Thursday, August 4, 2011

Writing good captioned images can be a Tights fit.

Alright, so you’ve decided you want to make some captioned images, tell a little story in less than a thousand words, with the picture or pictures, being worth another couple of thousand words, to help make it better.

And as you are here, let’s assume that you want to make a captioned image that involves someone being transformed in some manner, shape or form.

Let me give you a piece of advice…


Sorry, but 19 times of 20 that just comes across as tawdry, and this site, along with the idea of transformations in books, films, comic books and other media, is also about entertainment and maximum story content in minimum space. I.E. captioned images.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, than how a person is dressed in a picture can make it worth at least two or three hundred more.

Take for instance tights, on the surface rather a simple article of clothing, been around for hundreds of years, yet in a room full of beautiful women, I’m willing to bet you would notice the one in a pair of tights first… Okay, you’d notice the nude one first, but she would get arrested and taken away in pretty quick order, and so you would never get to talk to her.

I’m just saying if you want to write a good transformation captioned images, go with well-dressed people!

Oh… and as I bring up Captioned image stories, perhaps I should say that I personally have created thousands of them.

And as almost all of them have involved impossible transformations, I should say more about that subject!

Makes a lot of sense once you say it out loud.


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